Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Learning to Grow Micro Greens:

Learning to grow micro greens can be the most rewarding gardening experience you will encounter.  There are a couple of excellent reasons why you would want to master this type of gardening technique.

First and foremost, micro greens are a nutritional powerhouse:
Protein, phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals are all compacted in a tiny little seed ready to be utilized with a spray or a soak of water.

Learning to grow micro greens is convenient:
What is more convenient than walking to your window sill, counter top or shelf in your own home?  In the heat of summer or in the dead of winter, your greens are growing.
Are you housebound?  In a wheel chair?  No matter.  Growing micro greens can be done at any level in an apartment, house or condo.  No getting on your knees, no bending and especially, no weeding.

Micro greens are affordable:
Micro greens can grow in soil, on paper towels, on growing pads, and even be grown soil-less.  Yes, soil-less micro greens are my favorite type to grow.  You can use sunlight or energy saving grow lights.  How about using recycled salad containers, cheap garden trays or re-usable terra cotta trays.  Micro greens take minimum water usage.  Unlike sprouts that need to be rinsed 2 or 3 times a day, micro greens just need a spray bottle or water jug like any regular house plant. 

Learning to grow micro greens is EASY:
Did I mention EASY?  What can be easier than putting some seeds in a tray and watering, giving a little love and attention and watching it grow.  If you decide to grow soil-less, no mess, no mess, no mess.

Smoothie anyone:
Micro greens can boost your healthy smoothies by adding 100% nutrition.  A quick easy breakfast, lunch, anytime smoothies consists of 100% pineapple juice, 1 banana, 1 scoop chia seed and a handful of your favorite micro greens.  Blend and enjoy!

No matter how you look at it, greens are just plain good food.  People need greens.  You need greens. 

The next time someone comments you on why you are looking so radiant these days and ask you what you are doing, don't hesitate to smile and say "I'm learning to grow micro greens".

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
